26.05.2017 Supported Project “Greetings To The Centenary Of Latvia!”

Since 1 June, 2017, the “Intelligence Park” of DU Lifelong Learning, Cultural and Scientific Communication Society has been running the project “Greetings to the Centenary of Latvia!” of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Foundation, grant agreement Nr. PMIF / 8/2017/1/08.

The aim of the project “Greetings to the Centenary of Latvia!” is to implement a programme of integration and socialization activities that would facilitate the integration of immigrants into the Latvian society, strengthen their statehood, sense of belonging to Latvia, ensure cooperation, understanding and tolerance among the mainland and third-country nationals.

The target group of the project is third-country nationals legally residing in the territory of Latvia.

Project implementation time: 01.06. 2017 – 31.12.2018.

Project partner: Daugavpils University.

Project manager: Maija Burima

Project financing: EUR 50161,76.

Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 75% and Latvian state budget fund 25%.

This publication is supported by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

The Society of DU Lifelong Learning, Culture and Science Communication “Intelligence Park” is responsible for the content of this publication.

The project is co-financed by the European Union